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User Ratings


Regular Member

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Member since: February 01, 2010 12:13 PM
Last online: June 06, 2010 12:37 PM
Location: Bulacan - San Jose Del Monte City
Contact Number: Not Specified

20% - 1 Positive feedback 80% - 4 Negative feedback

User Feedback

  • roberta168 on March 05, 2010 09:33 PM

    i am very surprised with your negative feedback since you did not update me anymore on what happened to the unit after you texted me that you noticed something wrong so i assumed okay na lahat. my ads were never misleading and i have always been honest with my transactions. when i got that unit from another tcp member i was told that it was internet edition and i assumed it was since never ko pina-check or open yan since in my possession i didn't have a problem with it. also, i would not know about the flex having a problem either since i did not experience anything bad about it.
  • roberta168 on March 05, 2010 09:35 PM

    if you were not satisfied with the unit by all means you could have let me know and i would have returned the money to you 100%. i was not desperate to get your money so don't make it sound like tinakasan kita or tinaguan kita coz that is not in my vocabulary

    never ako naging mahirap kausap to those who i have dealt with. if you were maayos na kausap then you should have let me know again that something is wrong and i would have met up with you but you never texted me again.
  • roberta168 on March 05, 2010 09:39 PM

    i am sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with the unit that you purchased from me but i would have appreciated it if you were professional enough to let me know since we could have done something about it like me returning your payment so that you would not have spent anything anymore.

    honestly i totally resent you posting a negative feedback immediately on my ratings but it just shows the type of person i was dealing with.
  • roberta168 on March 05, 2010 09:40 PM

    yes karma karma lang yan. what comes around goes around and i know that. it's totally up to you or whoever reads this to decide if i have mislead you in any way with our transaction.

    good luck with your future transactions and next time keep the communication lines open so that you would not assume wrong about a person.

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