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Member since: November 22, 2007 11:08 AM
Last online: April 24, 2010 11:15 PM
Location: NCR - Las Pinas City
Contact Number: Not Specified

66% - 4 Positive feedback 33% - 2 Negative feedback

User Feedback

  • sanskrit28 on July 13, 2008 11:48 AM

    i din't wanna do this but you are not a trust worthy seller... you dont give credit to your customers..

    here's the story...last thursday at around 7:00pm me and my hubby met him @ rob pioneer... and bought his phone... which was a Benq P50... he said the unit has no defects or whats so ever and 100% working... has never been repaired or opened... true, it has never been opened... so we took his word for that... as we tested the phone it was working fine because it was on a different angle... but unfortunately when we left and setted the settings to normal the unit is not working 100%... the lower part of the screen is barely working... its hella hard to tap... (you prolly have to tap it 5x just to get it to work... so the screen is F***ed up... the keypad lights are not working... the left and the up button are busted... he said the unit had scratches... well the unit had alota fades and scratches... esp the back area of the phone... the batt. life wont even last a day... it only will on standby mode... he also said the phone had a universal remote feature works... well as usual unfortunately the universal remote feature is also not working... so basically half of what you said was b.s.

    im not tryna be mean... im just sayin' wha's real... like it is... and i just wasted 5.5 muthaf***ing grand on your a$$... you wasted me and my hubby's time, money, and respect...

    im not asking you as a customer but as a human being... pls have some decensy...
  • sanskrit28 on July 13, 2008 11:51 AM

    and oh yea, before i forget where's my positive feedback??? you see you cant even give out 1... we cant trust you as a seller... a buyer we can but in selling hell noh... your a scammer...

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