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Member since: November 20, 2011 03:04 PM
Last online: November 20, 2011 07:52 PM
Location: Abra - Baay-Licuan (Licuan)
Contact Number: Not Specified

0% - 3 Positive feedback 99% - 626 Negative feedback

User Feedback

  • weaked on November 20, 2011 06:12 PM

    i'll give you positive! sa palagay mo tatanga tanga ako to click the link?

    pare isa ka sa pinoy na walang kakwenta kwenta! hindi mo kayang sabihin mga pinagsasabi mo sa rating board ko sa harapan ko! gusto mo magkita tayo ng makita mo hinahanap mo!
  • ahbhiezero08 on November 20, 2011 06:17 PM

    Damn You Go to Hell I dont Know You!!! Mind your own Business if ur nothing to do with yourself? fuck urselF GODAMN IT!!!
  • step222 on November 20, 2011 08:19 PM

    itrace na yan kung cno linkbucks ang link. kaya yan ng mga genius dito.

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